Road Rules – do you need a refresher?

There’s been some discussion lately around the place about how badly people are driving on the roads now…people not giving way when merging, driver aggression, poor road sense…so we thought we’d all take a little refresher when it comes to what to do on the road…are you up for it too? Queensland Transport has an excellent online skills test where you can practice if you are learning to drive, or like us, want a road rules refresher. You can check it out here – Queensland Transport Practice Road Rules Test Although some of the diagrams seem basic at first, they certainly get you thinking about who has to give way. We’re pleased to report we all passed the test! At Sinnamon Lawyers, we see some tragic circumstances everyday, where people have suffered loss and sustained injury. Sometimes we all take driving for granted, but we believe it’s a privilege to be awarded your license and to have a car, so use it wisely, be aware and use care.

Rehabilitation after an accident

Car accidents are almost always events that cause trauma to a person in one way or another – whether it is emotionally, financially or physically. Whilst financial damage can be difficult to deal with in the short term, it’s the emotional and physical damage that often stays with us long after the accident has passed. There are many injuries that can occur as a result of a car accident but it’s the little ones that tend to be overlooked that we carry through our lives – fortunately however, with the proper care shortly after the accident has occurred, these less severe injuries (severe bruising) can often fade along with the memory of the unfortunate event. Here are our top tips on rehabilitation following a car accident: – Seek the advice of your GP. It’s of vital importance to pay a visit to your GP very soon following your involvement in an accident – whether you know you’ve been injured or not. Your GP may be able to tell you if you have some underlying injuries that may not have surfaced yet. – Seek the attention of a physical therapist as soon after the accident as you can. They will help to identify potential injuries youmay have overlooked and deal with them before they become an issue. Remember that the longer you delay treatment, the harder it can become to get back to normal – Get some massage therapy. No longer just a tool for relaxation, massage therapy can not only assist in aiding a speedy recover from your injuries, it also clears the lymphatic system of toxins stored as a result of trauma. Think of it as killing two birds with one stone – you’re receiving healing literally for both body & mind. – Seek the attention of a Psychologist or Counsellor. Never underestimate the power the mind has over the body. If your injury is more severe (think broken bones/internal damage) the emotional scars can significantly delay the physical recovery. By seeking emotional therapy, one is often able to move past the event with relative ease in their own mind, leaving them free to focus on healing the physical body. Car accidents can leave you feeling lost in limbo but if you are able to receive the proper care soon after the accident has occurred, more often than not, you will be able to go on living the full life you once led. If you need help with claiming for personal injuries after an accident, Sinnamon Lawyers is always here to help. Call us on 1800 007 277 or contact us through our website.

Reducing the chance of a public liability claim at your next party

Hosting a party for a birthday or any other occasion can be a lot of fun. However, it is important that both you and your guests are safe at all times. If an injury occurs on your private property, you may be made responsible in a public liability claim for a breach of duty of care. It is important that you keep everyone safe to the best of your ability while they are on your premises. Below are just some ways you can make this happen. 1. Tie things down This means anything that could be knocked down or tripped over. This could be things like microphone and light stands, portable gazebos or anything with small poles and ropes that could get tangles or be tripped over. Weigh them down with sand bags and make sure pegs secure them to the ground if possible. 2. Put up signs Signs can be used for a number of things – potentially hazardous areas, where the toilet is, where to get water and more. In order to avoid someone getting injured on your property, clearly sign these kinds of areas so your guests know what to avoid and where to go to avoid dehydration or any other accidents that may lead to injury. 3. Keep popular areas clean and dry Dance floors, tables, bathrooms and anywhere that people may be walking or running around should be kept dry and clean. Slip and fall claims are one of the most common types of public liability claims made, so it is vital to keep high traffic areas clean and dry so that no one slips on wet floors or trips over objects. 4. Register your party Register your party with the police through the Party Safe program. Although this doesn’t protect you from a public liability claim, it does mean that the Police have all the details about your party so if any problems arise it can be dealt with in a quick and efficient manner. If, despite these measures, something does happen at your party and you need to make a claim you can call us on 1800 007 277 for an obligation free consultation about your claim.

Recovering from Whiplash

Getting your life back on track after sustaining whiplash can be a long and hard road. Whiplash injuries often result in chronic pain and reduced mobility, making it difficult to perform everyday tasks. If you’re suffering from this type of injury, this overview of the whiplash recovery process will help you get back on your feet. What is whiplash? Affecting the neck and upper back, whiplash occurs when the head gets jerked backwards and forwards suddenly. This movement strains the muscles and tendons in the neck, resulting in soft tissue damage. People with whiplash often find it difficult to turn their head without experiencing discomfort. Your neck may feel stiff and painful after you’ve sustained whiplash, and sufferers often report having a headache at the base of their skull. In some cases, whiplash injuries can worsen with time. Your neck may only start to hurt several hours or even days after the accident. This delayed onset can complicate the process of diagnosing a whiplash injury, as it may take you a while to realise how badly you’ve been hurt. Whiplash Treatments If you’ve sustained whiplash, taking the following steps can help minimise the severity of your injury: In addition to these initial treatments, physical exercise can help speed up the whiplash recovery and healing process. Once your injury has been assessed by a doctor and you have medical clearance to begin rehabilitation, doing gentle stretching exercises can help reduce the stiffness in your neck. By moving your head a little more each day, you should eventually regain full mobility. Whiplash Recovery Time Minor cases of whiplash usually get better on their own after a few weeks, but more severe cases can take months or even years to fully heal. In cases where the pain doesn’t subside after 6 months, you may have chronic whiplash. Treated with muscles relaxants and physical therapy, chronic whiplash can make it difficult to do anything that involves physical movement. This can make it difficult to earn income and cover your medical expenses. If your whiplash injury was caused by negligence, you may be able to claim compensation. Contact Sinnamon Lawyers to learn more about your legal options.

Queensland Road Rules for Cyclists

On our roads in 2014 alone there were 45 fatalities involving cyclists in Australia. Cyclists are obviously fully aware of the risks they take when travelling on populated roads alongside motor vehicles however sometimes the danger of cycling on our roads is out of their control. Outside factors can cause great danger to cyclists, some of which include other motorists on the road and unavoidable objects on the road such as parked cars. Thankfully, the Queensland Government has recognised the risks that cyclists are faced with on a day to day basis and have implemented new rules to ensure the safety of all cyclists on our roads. One of the most important rules that has been introduced is to leave at least a 1 metre distance between your vehicle and a cyclist when travelling under 60km/h and a 1.5 metre distance when travelling over 60km/h. This is to reduce the risks of cyclists being hit by motor vehicles. The penalty for ignoring these distances is not only the loss of 3 demerit points but is also a $341.00 fine. However, if the matter goes to court a maximum fine of up to $4,554.00 can apply. In addition cyclists are now allowed to ride across a zebra crossing, ride through a single lane roundabout and it will be optional to ride in the bicycle lane. These new additions have been created to avoid any confusion among cyclists and motorists and to ensure the rules are consistent with the rules that motorists abide by. Cyclists still must abide by the regular road rules that all motorists abide by however they also must ensure they are wearing the correct safety gear and their bike is fully equipped and legal to ride. Cyclists must wear a helmet and have at least one hand on the handle bars at all time when travelling. They also must ensure that their bike is equipped with certain visibility equipment when riding at night time to ensure their safety and so that they are visible to other motorists on the road. Further details of these rules and requirements can be found on the Department of Transport and Main Roads website. In light of all the above mentioned rules and regulations the Queensland Government have asked that all motorists keep in mind the following tips with respect to cyclists when travelling on the road: Next time you are on the road be sure to be aware, have patience and consideration for all and stay wide of any cyclists that you may pass in your travels. If you or someone you know has been injured in a motor vehicle accident, give Sinnamon Lawyers a call on 1800 007 277 so that we can discuss your options with you.

Money Saving Tips: Maximising Your Income

Making ends meet can be quite challenging these days but there really is no need to fret. You can say goodbye to that splitting headache that you always get whenever you budget for groceries, house expenses and all other financial concerns. By doing some simple yet effective techniques, you can stretch the money you’ve got. Stretching Your Grocery Budget If you want to reduce your expenses, better learn the ways of how you can lower the expenses for groceries. Reduce, Reuse and Recycle at Home You should also imbibe these three R’s in your day to day living to be able to save more money. Calculate Before You Spend Once you get your salary or income, spend a few minutes in doing some minor calculations. Determine the amount of savings first before allocating money for expenses. After this, you will have a clearer idea about how much you can really spend. We hope this has helped! Until next week.

Money saving ideas when you’re not receiving your regular income

It’s never going to seem like enough, but people sure work out that life’s pretty great when you’re earning an income, the bills are met, mortgage repayments covered and the grocery bill comes and goes. It’s sometimes easy to be lenient with your purchases when your income is regular. However, it becomes a real life changer when your regular source of income dries up and you’re left scrambling to make ends meet. If you’ve suffered a loss of income due to an accident and you find you need to ‘tighten up the belt’, we suggest you try to minimise your expenses. At Sinnamon Lawyers, we’re here to help you and although every case is different, one thing’s for certain, you need to recuperate and it’s tough when you’re not earning money while you’re getting better. We’ve got handy tips that could save you a few hundred dollars around the home if you’re up for the money saving challenge. Believe it or not, coupons are a great way to save on grocery items. They’re available on the Internet for ease of printing so you just have to find these websites and bookmark them so you can go to them as often as you need to. Some that are currently popular in Queensland include Groupon,  Scoopon and Daily Deals. Beware, once you sign up, you’ll receive lots of email communications, promoting their deals and coupons…you could end up ‘spending money to save money’. Turning off the lights and power points when there’s no one in the room or using the appliance. It is a small thing to do but makes a huge impact on your power bill. Save energy too by keeping your thermostat. Nowadays, almost everything has fees. When you withdraw from an ATM that’s not really your bank, you get charged for the transaction. Save yourself the cost of the transaction and just go to your own bank. Buying packaged and prepared foods can cost a fortune. Try buying the pasta, the cheese, the milk and the flour rather than packaged macaroni cheese. Whenever possible, try walking because it’s free and it helps you get into shape. If the distance is too great for walking but still accessible via public transport, use public transport. Sinnamon Lawyers has offices across Queensland. We can come to you if you are struggling with mobility, and can’t get to one of our offices. Call us today toll free on 1800 007 277 to arrange an obligation free appointment or seek our expert advice about your legal position following an accident.

Misunderstood Road Rules: Western Australia Edition

Accidents happen on the road every day. Many of our clients have been injured in accidents that have occurred as a result of another driver disobeying, or misunderstanding, the road rules. By improving your understanding of the road rules, you can help to reduce the number of road accidents. The most commonly misunderstood road rules in Western Australia involve roundabouts, merging, mobile phones, overtaking and more. The Government of Western Australia and the Road Safety Commission shed light on the 12 most asked-about road rules to help you brush up on your knowledge here. Their Drive Safe booklet has everything you need to know about road rules and penalties in Western Australia. Some other common offences include: While some road rules may seem like common sense, you might be surprised by some of the more interesting (or unusual) ones. Did you know it’s illegal to have more than 50kg of potatoes in your vehicle in Western Australia? Help make the roads in Western Australia safer by challenging your skills with this test. You might be surprised by what laws you’ve forgotten since you got your licence.

Misunderstood Road Rules (Queensland edition)

We often encounter circumstances where our client has been injured in an accident caused by another driver’s lack of understanding of the road rules. The Department of Transport and Main Roads has published a Road Rules Refresher pamphlet which clarifies the Top 10 Misunderstood Road Rules. You can download your own copy of the pamphlet HERE We think special attention should be given to the sections on Merging, Roundabouts, Safe Following Distances and U-turns because we frequently observe drivers disobeying these rules. One road rule that we find interesting that you might not come across often is in relation to giving way to horses… Giving way to horses When a person in charge of a horse that appears to be hard to control gives a signal – by raising a hand and pointing to the horse – you must give way. You should drive to the side of the road, stop your vehicle and turn off the engine. Keep the engine off and the car stopped until there is no reasonable chance that the noise of the engine or movement of your vehicle will further upset the horse. Perhaps it is not as relevant if your daily commute is on the major arterial roads, but certainly, take note if you frequent semi-rural areas. Once you have read the refresher you should test your newly polished knowledge by taking the practice road rules test HERE on the Transport and Main Roads website. The answers may just surprise you, although we expect our wonderful readers may just get every question right!

Misunderstood Road Rules (New South Wales edition)

When was the last time you studied the road rules? Was it when you applied for your licence? A lot of rules may have changed slightly or drastically since then so it is time to refresh your knowledge. The New South Wales government Department of Transport, Roads & Maritime Services have published a pamphlet about the Top 10 misunderstood road rules in NSW. You can download your own copy of this pamphlet HERE. We think that the rules that warrant special attention in that list are Merging, Safe Following distances, Roundabouts and U-Turns as we frequently observe drivers disobeying these rules while out on our roads. One road rule we have singled out is about carrying animals on a motor bike. We thought this would be common sense, however maybe this is a more common occurrence than we thought. Carrying animals on a motor bike Animals are not permitted to be carried on a motor bike between a rider and the handlebars, or in any otherposition that would interfere with the rider’s ability to control the motor bike. Penalty: 3 demerit points (4 in a school zone) and $397 ($496 in a school zone) The Practice Driver Knowledge Test is available online HERE for you to be able to test your refreshed knowledge. How did you do?

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