How to keep yourself and your family safe this Christmas
The holidays are fast approaching and it’s time for people to celebrate the end of the year with office parties, Christmas catch-ups and New Years celebrations. There are plenty of parties, days without work, vacation trips with the family and the like. Unfortunately, the celebrations are paired with road accidents as well. If you’re not careful, you or your loved ones can get caught up in the holiday haze. Be prepared and read these tips. Don’t drink and drive. Always be alert on the road no matter what time of the day it is. If the other driver, or a pedestrian, is drunk while you’re driving, you can at least control the situation more and avert possible accidents. During the holidays, sometimes it’s impossible to refuse drinks from friends and family members. If you must drink, be sensible and ensure you’re sober before taking the wheel. Better yet, spend the night at the host’s place and drive the next day when your senses are okay again. Condition your car for long trips. If you are planning a trip to the beach or to see the family interstate, make sure your vehicle is in perfect condition. Check all the tyres, the brake pads, and the engine. Make sure you’re keeping yourself and all the passengers in your car as safe as possible. You might also want to check out the possible routes you can take for this trip. Choose the shortest, and the safest one. Minimise the risk, and if possible, update your insurance and make sure a trusted insurance company covers you just in case things head for an unexpected turn. Have your vehicle serviced before the trip just to be on the safe side. Never let your guard down. Accidents usually happen when one lets his/her guard down. These accidents can take one or two seconds to take place. You might be fumbling for something on the car’s floor, or admiring the scenery and not paying any attention to the road. An animal might be crossing the road and you just happen to be driving too fast. Pay attention to your speedometer and make sure you’re not distracted while driving. It’s better to be cautious than sorry.
Here for life
The Queensland Government has recently launched a new campaign. We think it’s pretty relevant and one that we’re glad to share. It’s called Here for Life and it’s about staying safe on the roads and being here for the ‘good times ahead’. You’ll find plenty of useful tips for safe driving and information about how your driving behaviour impacts on others under the Be Safe section of the site. And be sure to check out the road safety campaigns while you’re there. Invite your friends to visit Here for Life too, and if you’d like to keep up-to-date with the latest in road safety, please subscribe to the e-newsletter, Life News. The latest on rear-ending The Queensland Government has recently launched a new campaign. We think it’s pretty relevant and one that we’re glad to share. It’s called Here for Life and it’s about staying safe on the roads and being here for the ‘good times ahead’. You’ll find plenty of useful tips for safe driving and information about how your driving behaviour impacts on others Be sure to check out the road safety campaigns while you’re there. Invite your friends to visit Here for Life too, and if you’d like to keep up-to-date with the latest in road safety, please subscribe to the e-newsletter, Life News. The latest on rear-ending So when we talk about rear-ending, we mean the ‘one vehicle smashes up the back of another vehicle’…ok? It’s one of the most common road accidents that can happen on the road and we thought we’d explain some of the technical details surrounding the rear-ending rules and responsibilities should an accident occur. The best way to avoid rear-ending is to do what may seem obvious to some, but a reminder never goes astray.
Health and community services Workers’ Compensation information
The health and community services sector is responsible for our health and well-being. This sector includes hospitals, clinics, retirement and nursing homes. We rely on the workers in this sector to take care of us, and our loved ones at our time of need. Should these workers have some sort of accident, it is highly important that they be given the proper treatment so they will be in tiptop shape when they need to work. Workers who are secure in their jobs, receive proper training and are guaranteed compensation are more secure in the knowledge that if injured on the job they’ll be taken care. These workers perform to a higher satisfaction rate as well. Can you imagine all the training that they have to go through, to be able to execute their duties of care to perfection, every time? Most of us admire people who work in the health industry and don’t really want to have to go into hospitals because we associate germs and sickness with it. Well, think of the people who actually have to work there, exposed to exactly that kind of environment day in and day out. They really should be entitled to some sort of Workers’ Compensation benefits should an accident happen to them in their jobs. In Australia, there are general guidelines for Workers’ Compensation for health and community services workers. There are laws that require employers to create a safe workplace environment with specific guidelines on the training and protection of their employees and procedures for the safe handling, storage and maintenance of chemicals and equipment. Despite these laws in place, accidents may happen and it’s during these times that a worker needs to know the compensation he or she is entitled to. Compensation is mostly in the form of income replacement especially during the time when the injured worker is still recuperating and is dependent on how serious the worker is incapacitated. Medical treatment may also be reimbursed and is not limited to just medicines and hospitalisation. For more serious injuries like the loss of a body part or the function of a body part, a lump sum compensation may be recommended. A fatality often results in compensation in the form of funeral benefits and special provisions for the worker’s children (if any). Sinnamon Lawyers has offices across Queensland. We can come to you if you are struggling with mobility, and can’t get to one of our offices. Call us today toll free on 1800 007 277 to arrange an obligation free appointment or seek our expert advice about your legal position following an accident.
FAQ – Personal Injuries Compensation Claims
We are asked lots of questions about personal injury compensation claims, here we answer those most frequently asked. Is the first consultation obligation free? Yes. We are happy to discuss your situation and determine if we can assist you during a no obligation free consultation. Are you “No win, No fee”? Yes. Sinnamon Lawyers will pay the ongoing costs of pursuing your personal injury claim until it has been resolved. We don’t charge fees unless you receive money from the other side through settlement or judgment at trial. Can you help with recovering money for damage to my vehicle? In some situations we are able to represent you in your property damage claim. We are happy to discuss your circumstances to see if we can be of assistance. What if I have pre-existing injuries? Having a pre-existing injury or injuries doesn’t mean you can’t still make a personal injury claim. What if my accident was not a motor vehicle accident? We represent people who have been injured in many ways including in workplace, slip and fall, public liability and other accidents and incidents. What if I was not driving? Passengers travelling in vehicles involved in a traffic accident as well as pedestrians are eligible to pursue personal injury claims. What if my child was injured? If you are the parent or legal guardian of a person under the age of 18 who has been injured then you can proceed with a personal injury claim on their behalf. Different limitation periods apply when a minor has been injured so please contact us to discuss your unique situation. What if I didn’t get the details of the other vehicle because they left the scene of the accident? We will attempt to identify the vehicle at fault, but if that is not possible there is still an avenue that will enable us to proceed with your personal injury claim. What if I cannot travel to one of your offices? We are able to visit you at home. We have also successfully represented clients who we only have been able to have contact with on the telephone and through correspondence, i.e. people who are living overseas but were injured in Australia. What if my accident was not recent? Strict time limits apply to personal injury claims (generally three [3] years from the date of accident) so it is important to find out as soon as possible of your ability to claim. We are happy to discuss your situation and confirm for you if you are able to proceed with a personal injury claim. If you have further questions about your compensation claim further please feel free to contact us for an obligation free consultation on 1800 007 277 . We look forward to hearing from you!
Family vehicle rego freeze
Queensland registration fees will be frozen for three years from 1 July 2012 for more than 2.5 million family vehicles. Eligible vehicles must be used for private purposes and include cars (sedans, wagons, convertibles), light commercial vehicles not over 4.5 tonne (panel vans, utilities, dual cabs, campervans) and minibuses. The freeze will apply to eligible vehicles due for renewal from 1 July 2012. It will also cover eligible vehicles being registered, or interstate vehicles being transferred to Queensland from 1 July 2012. This initiative will assist thousands of families struggling with the rising cost of living. For more information visit the registration webpage. We think this is great news for families, struggling with the cost of living. Sinnamon Lawyers is committed to keeping you up to date with everything to do with road safety and family-friendly topics. Contact us today to learn more.
Everything You Need To Know About Medical Negligence Claims
If you’ve been subjected to substandard healthcare, you may be entitled to make a medical negligence claim. Whether you need to take legal action against an individual practitioner or a medical organisation, Sinnamon Lawyers can help you understand how the claims process works and assist you with building a strong case. What is Medical Negligence? Medical negligence occurs when a healthcare provider’s act or oversight causes a patient harm. In Australia, all healthcare providers are required by law to provide their patients with an adequate duty of care. If you can prove your healthcare failed to meet this requirement, you may qualify for a medical negligence claim. From botched surgeries to the delayed diagnosis of an illness, medical negligence covers a range of clinical errors. Also known as medical malpractice, this type of claim can be made against any healthcare provider, including: What are common areas of medical negligence? Inadequate treatment can arise in any area of medicine. However, some specialisations are especially prone to negligence. These are some of the most common areas of healthcare where medical negligence occurs: How much compensation can I claim for medical malpractice? The amount of compensation awarded in medical negligence claims varies by case. After reviewing your circumstances and the evidence provided in support of your claim, our lawyers will be able to advise you of the damages you’re entitled to. If you can no longer work due to the illness or injuries you’ve sustained due to medical malpractice, you may be able to claim for lost income. Any out-of-pocket expenses you’ve had to cover will also be taken into consideration, in addition to compensation for pain and suffering. Who pays the compensation in medical negligence claims? The healthcare provider’s insurance company will usually cover the cost of compensation. Under Australian law, all registered medical practitioners must be covered by insurance. This means that in medical negligence claims, any damages you receive will come from an insurance company, rather than the individual practitioner’s pocket. How long does a medical negligence claim take? It’s difficult to provide an exact timeframe without seeing the details of your case. At Sinnamon Lawyers, we know how crucial it is for our clients to access compensation quickly. We’ll do everything we can to speed up the claims process so you can get your life back on track. What costs are involved with making a medical negligence claim? Costs can vary depending on how long it takes to resolve your claim and the amount of outlays and expenses generated by your case. If you’re concerned about the financial risks involved with taking legal action, Sinnamon Lawyers offer a No Win No Fee service. This means that if your claim isn’t awarded compensation, you won’t need to pay your legal fees. If you’re thinking of making a medical negligence claim, contact Sinnamon Lawyers to arrange a free consultation today.
Emergency Phone Numbers in Sydney
Sometimes things out of our control happen. When they do, it’s handy to have a list of emergency phone numbers ready to go. Here’s our printable list of emergency numbers for the Sydney region so you’ve got all the essential digits ready no matter what you encounter. Service Contact Number Ambulance 000 Police 000 Fire Brigade 000 Lifeline 131 114 Kids Help Line 1800 55 1800 Rape Crisis Centre 1800 424 017 Centre Against Sexual Assault 1800 806 292 Domestic Violence Line 1800 656 463 (24 hours) Child Protection 132 111 Crime Stoppers 1800 333 000 Translating & Interpreting 131 450 NSW Traffic Incident Reporting Line 131 700
Emergency Phone Numbers in Perth
We can’t always predict what the day will bring. When accidents and emergencies happen, it helps to be prepared. By printing this helpful list of emergency phone numbers in Western Australia, you can have peace of mind knowing you have the essential numbers ready to go. These are your must-know numbers spanning the Perth region, so you can take action without losing valuable time. Service Contact Number Ambulance 000 Police 000 Fire Brigade 000 Lifeline 131 114 Kids Help Line 1800 55 1800 Sexual Assault Resource Centre 1800 199 888 Women’s Domestic Violence Helpline 1800 007 339 Child Protection 1800 622 258 Crime Stoppers 1800 333 000 Translating & Interpreting 131 450
Emergency Phone Numbers in Brisbane
We thought we’d give you a list of emergency phone numbers for you to have on hand should something unforeseen happen. Here is our list that you can easily print out: Service Contact Number Ambulance 000 Police 000 Fire Brigade 000 Lifeline 131 114 Kids Help Line 1800 55 1800 Rape Crisis Centre 1800 010 120 Centre Against Sexual Assault 1800 806 292 Domestic Violence Line 1800 656 463 (24 hours) Child Protection 132 111 Crime Stoppers 1800 333 000 Translating & Interpreting 131 450
Driver Fatigue: Are you too tired to drive?
In Queensland in 2013 there were 6,921 hospitalised casualties as a result of motor vehicle accidents. Of these 6,921 hospitalised casualties, 295 were a result of speeding drivers/riders, 576 a result of drink drivers/riders, and 478 were fatigued related crashes. This means that in 2013 fatigue related crashes accounted for more hospitalisations than speeding drivers/riders. In total almost 7% of hospitalised casualties from motor vehicle accidents were as a result of fatigue related crashes. In 2013 there were 271 fatalities on Queensland roads as a result of motor vehicle accidents, of these, 41 were as a result of fatigue related crashes. This equates to 15% of Queensland’s road fatalities. These statistics show that fatigue related crashes play a significant part in relation to motor vehicle accidents in Queensland. How does fatigue contribute to motor vehicle accidents? Fatigue occurs where a driver/rider is tired and/or drowsy either physically or mentally and their ability to operate their vehicle safely is impaired. It has been shown that the effect of fatigue on the human body is similar to that of the effect of alcohol. The effects of being awake for 17 hours is similar to having a Blood Alcohol Concentration of 0.05. While being awake for 24 hours or more is similar to having a Blood Alcohol Concentration of 0.10, which is equivalent to twice the legal Blood Alcohol Concentration limit. There are a number of reasons that drivers may suffer from fatigue, these include: There are a number of steps you can take in an attempt to combat driver fatigue, these include: Driver fatigue is a prominent issue in motor vehicle accidents in Queensland and it is important that drivers recognise the signs of driver fatigue and take action to combat it. Remember, if you feel too tired to drive then don’t, you’re not only putting your own safety at risk but also the safety of other drivers on the road. *Statistics for this article were obtained from