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FAQ – Personal Injuries Compensation Claims

We are asked lots of questions about personal injury compensation claims, here we answer those most frequently asked.

Is the first consultation obligation free?

Yes. We are happy to discuss your situation and determine if we can assist you during a no obligation free consultation.

Are you “No win, No fee”?

Yes. Sinnamon Lawyers will pay the ongoing costs of pursuing your personal injury claim until it has been resolved. We don’t charge fees unless you receive money from the other side through settlement or judgment at trial.

Can you help with recovering money for damage to my vehicle?

In some situations we are able to represent you in your property damage claim. We are happy to discuss your circumstances to see if we can be of assistance.

What if I have pre-existing injuries?

Having a pre-existing injury or injuries doesn’t mean you can’t still make a personal injury claim.

What if my accident was not a motor vehicle accident?

We represent people who have been injured in many ways including in workplace, slip and fall, public liability and other accidents and incidents.

What if I was not driving?

Passengers travelling in vehicles involved in a traffic accident as well as pedestrians are eligible to pursue personal injury claims.

What if my child was injured?

If you are the parent or legal guardian of a person under the age of 18 who has been injured then you can proceed with a personal injury claim on their behalf. Different limitation periods apply when a minor has been injured so please contact us to discuss your unique situation.

What if I didn’t get the details of the other vehicle because they left the scene of the accident?

We will attempt to identify the vehicle at fault, but if that is not possible there is still an avenue that will enable us to proceed with your personal injury claim.

What if I cannot travel to one of your offices?

We are able to visit you at home. We have also successfully represented clients who we only have been able to have contact with on the telephone and through correspondence, i.e. people who are living overseas but were injured in Australia.

What if my accident was not recent?

Strict time limits apply to personal injury claims (generally three [3] years from the date of accident) so it is important to find out as soon as possible of your ability to claim. We are happy to discuss your situation and confirm for you if you are able to proceed with a personal injury claim.

If you have further questions about your compensation claim further please feel free to contact us for an obligation free consultation on 1800 007 277 . We look forward to hearing from you!

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