Misunderstood Road Rules: Western Australia Edition

Accidents happen on the road every day. Many of our clients have been injured in accidents that have occurred as a result of another driver disobeying, or misunderstanding, the road rules.

By improving your understanding of the road rules, you can help to reduce the number of road accidents. The most commonly misunderstood road rules in Western Australia involve roundabouts, merging, mobile phones, overtaking and more.

The Government of Western Australia and the Road Safety Commission shed light on the 12 most asked-about road rules to help you brush up on your knowledge here. Their Drive Safe booklet has everything you need to know about road rules and penalties in Western Australia.

Some other common offences include:

  • Failing to stop at a red light – this will cost you $300 and 3 points
  • Failing to give way to vehicles on a roundabout – be prepared to hand over $150 and lose 3 points
  • Using a mobile phone while driving – no text message is worth $400 and 3 points.

While some road rules may seem like common sense, you might be surprised by some of the more interesting (or unusual) ones. Did you know it’s illegal to have more than 50kg of potatoes in your vehicle in Western Australia?

Help make the roads in Western Australia safer by challenging your skills with this test. You might be surprised by what laws you’ve forgotten since you got your licence.

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