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Injured While Working From Home

As the Covid-19 situation continues to develop worldwide, many businesses have had to adapt to the new working conditions that are being enforced upon them. With social distancing and isolation efforts being put in place, we are seeing many workplaces opt for working from home where possible. What does this mean for your rights as a worker?

How Does Working from Home Effect My Rights?

In short, the new working from home arrangements do not impact your right to compensation if you are injured as a result of your employment. You are entitled to make a claim for Workers’ Compensation if your injuries came about as a result of your employment, irrespective of where it is that you are working from.

Essentially, claiming Workers’ Compensation while working from home is a definite possibility but is, of course, dependent on the particulars of your case.

Employer Responsibilities

As always, your employer is responsible for ensuring that your working environment is suitable to work in without unnecessary danger. This includes in your own home if working from home! If your employer does not adequately consider the health and safety of its workers in this way, they can be found liable to any resulting injuries.

As a result, if your employer is found to be negligent in their duty of care then you can also be entitled for a Common Law Claim.

What Can I Claim Compensation For?

As is the case with Workers Compensation claims when not working from home, you can claim compensation for injuries that result from your employment. This includes but is not limited to physical injuries, psychological disorders, or aggravations of pre-existing conditions. An example of an injury that may arise from working at an improper desk at home could be issues with your posture.

In Queensland, your total compensation is based on a number of factors including loss of income, medical or rehabilitation expenses, loss of super, pain and suffering and more. 

If you want more information about what it is you can claim Workers’ Compensation for if you’ve been injured while working at home, you can view our Workers’ Compensation page here for more information on claims. 

I’ve Been Injured While Working from Home: What’s Next?

The process of claiming Workers’ Compensation while working from home is very similar to if you were claiming compensation for an injury in a more normal working environment.

If you have been injured while working from home, we strongly advise that you seek the advice of expert personal injury lawyers if you want to make a claim for Workers’ Compensation. This ensures that you get the most from your claim, so that you can focus on recovery.

For an obligation-free assessment of your Workers’ Compensation claim, contact Sinnamon Lawyers today. There are time restrictions on claiming Workers’ Compensation, so do not hesitate to begin your claims process.

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