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Top tips for avoiding traffic

Is the traffic getting worse or is it just us? It seems as though the traffic in Brisbane has come to a standstill and it affecting the way live, work (and shop)!

A recent study found that Brisbane commuters have the longest travel times in the nation. The Victorian study found some commutes double during peak times – the trip from Eight Mile Plains to the CBD doubles from 14 minutes off-peak to 28 minutes in rush hour.

So what can be done about this we hear you ask?

Here are some of our top tips for avoiding traffic.

  1. Stay local – enjoy the community and work live and play in the one area.
  2. Leave early – evidence shows if you leave earlier and avoid peak hour traffic, you’ll get to your destination a lot faster.
  3. Go green – walking or cycling is not only green but also a healthy way to get to where you’re going. Check out your local cycle and walk ways for some great green (and healthy) alternatives to taking the car.
  4. Catch public transport – it’s not rocket science. If more people caught trains, buses and ferries, there’d be less traffic on the roads, less carbon emitted and more books read! Check out your local public transport options on 
  5. Of course, if you own an iphone or an android, there are plenty of apps available now to help you avoid the traffic congestion such as:
    1. Traffic Australia
    2. Pocket Traffic
    3. Snarl Traffic
    4. Traffic Brisbane
    5. Brisbane BigEye

Make sure to keep an eye out for speed cameras as well!

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